National Natural Science Foundation of China
Project name: Selected problems in the frontier of high energy density physics
Project introduction: Focusing on some challenging scientific and technical problems in the frontiers of high energy density physics, we carry out following research: the development of key laser technologies to provide laser pulses simultaneously with ultrahigh contrast and ultrahigh intensity; new mechanisms of ultrahigh acceleration gradients and radiation sources driven by ultrashort intense lasers; imaging of ultrafast dynamics with high resolutions in time and space driven by ultrashort intense lasers; nonlinear QED physics driven by extremely high laser fields.
Spokesperson: Jie Zhang
Principle investigators: Jiaming Li, Xijie Wang, Zhengming Sheng, Liejia Qian, Xianfeng Chen, Jianqiu Xu, Guoqiang Xie, Feng He, Nasr Hafz, Shenguang Liu, Xiaohui Yuan, Peng Yuan, Jun Zheng, Jie Chen
b. Key projects supported by NSFC
Project name: Basic Research about 2μm Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Laser with High Average Output Power
Project Introduction: Currently, only 1μm solid laser can realize high average power and ultrashort pulse laser output. The other band of short pulse lasers’ output power cannot exceeding 100 W. 2μm solid laser having high gain coefficient, large gain bandwidth and small scattering loss etc., has the great potential to achieve high efficiency and high average power ultrashort pulse. The basic technologies of the project are high repetition frequency pulse generation technology, large core diameter optical fiber chirped laser amplification technology and new pulse compression technology. The objective of the project is to find new technical ways of achieving high power and ultrashort pulse output, while promoting the study and application of this new field.
Spokesperson: Xu Jianqiu
Principle investigators: Fandian Yuan, Honggen Li, Xiao Hu, Furong Huang, Peng Yuan
Project Name: Investigation of key reactions in hydrogen- and helium-burning processes in stars and nuclear properties on the
reprocess path of nucleosynthesis
Project Introduction: Base on the accelerator facilities and the 320 KV high-voltage platform at the Institute of Modern Physics in Lanzhou, this proposal aims at understanding the structure of several key reactions in the hydrogen-burning processes in stars by the in-beam gamma spectroscopy method, as well as performing direct measurements for the cross-sections of the key reactions in the helium-burning processes in red-giants. The main goal of the research is to establish the technical foundations for the future deep-experimental nuclear astrophysics in China. We plan to apply the projected shell model established by the PI of this proposal and the large-scale spherical shell model with unique properties to calculate the relevant physical quantities. We also explore the possible unifications of nuclear structure and nuclear reaction theories.
Spokesperson: Yang Sun
Principle Invesigators:Yang-Chun Yang, Hua Jin, Fang-Qi Chen
Project name: mTheory confronting observation on the study of galaxy clusters and the universe's large scale structures
Project Introduction: Combining with the high precision numerical simulations, semi-analytical method, we will investigate the galaxy cluster and the universe's large scale structures. We will try to get some deeper understandings on some key problems, such as the nature of dark energy, the interaction between dark energy and dark matter etc, and have precise measurement of the mass functions of the galaxy clusters.
Spokesperson: Bin Wang
Principle investigators: Hai-Guang Xu
Project name: Topological insulators with novel electromagnetic properties.
Project Introduction: Topological insulators(TI) are new topological states of quantum matter, with novel electromagnetic properties. In this project, high quanlity topological insulator thin films will be grown by MBE, and new quantum phenomena will be studied in the TI/magnet and TI/superconductor joint systems. The transport properties will also be studied by in situ measurement method. This work will lay solid foundations for the application of topological quantum materials by fabricating the topological insulator thin films and controlling the topological quantum states.
Spokesperson: Jinfeng Jia
Principle investigators: Dong Qian, Chunlei Gao
Project name: All-solid-state deep ultraviolet laser based on new fluoride nonlinear optical crystals
Brief introduction:
All-solid-state laser (ASSL) in deep-UV (DUV) region is one of the most exciting research topic in the field of laser technology. ASSL based on the new DUV nonlinear optical crystal of fluoride system will be systematically studied in this project. The DUV fluoride nonlinear optical crystals with good performance will be selected and the new all-solid-state DUV coherent radiation output will be realized for various applications.
Spokesperson: Xianfeng Chen
Project name: Application of semiconductor nanostructure based spectral conversion techniques in silicon solar cells
Project introduction: This key project proposes the basic research of semiconductor nanostructures for spectral conversion in high-efficient crystalline Si solar cells, taking full advantages of ordered Si nanowire arrays/II-VI quantum dot complex structures and semiconductor passive quantum structures in the photon frequency downshifting and up-conversion processes.
Spokesperson: Wenzhong Shen
Principle investigators: Rui Jia, Huichun Liu
Project Name: Semiconductor upconversion infrared single photon detection research
Project introduction: The project uses integrated semiconductor infrared detector and light emitting diode, resulting in infrared upconversion single photon detection device. Infrared incident single photon is converted to near infrared emission single photon with wavelengths less than 1 micron, which is detected by a Si single photon detector. The approach is expected to have high efficiency and operating temperature, and therefore important application potential.
Spokesperson: Huichun Liu
Principle Investigators: Hang Zheng, Yueheng Zhang, Yao Yang
Project name: Study on in-situ micro-four-probe transport measurement system
Project instruction: In-situ transport measurements on low dimensional structures at low temperature and high magnetic field is a long time dream for scientists in this area. This kind of measurement is urgently needed for novel quantum system and nano-structures, e.g., nano-wires and thin films. This project is aimed at developing a in-situ micro-four-probe transport measurement system, so that we can measure the surface conductance sensitively in UHV and at low temperature, high magnetic field. The system can be used for studying thin films on semiconductor/insulators. The micro-four-probe transport measurement is very sensitive to surface conductivity, it will be the most effective method for the topological surface states on topological insulators and new quantum systems.
Spokesperson: Jinfeng Jia
Principal Investigator: Xuxu Bai
Project Name:
Project introduction: Laboratory plasma astrophysics is a growing interdisciplinary research field across astrophysics, fusion sciences and basic plasma physics. Because of the different objectives of the laboratory plasma devices, currently there is significant difference in the produced plasma parameters and properties. It is then natural for scientists working in various research fields and countries to collaborate for extending their knowledge and improving the capability of performing plasma experiments with wider property parameters. This project will carry out studies of laboratory astrophysics, particularly the magnetic reconnection mechanisms in wide parameter ranges by use of different plasma devices through international collaboration with the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. By using the high density laser-plasmas, and the low density magnetized plasmas in Magnetic Reconnection Experiment (MRX) and Tokamak devices, the project in application will study the magnetic reconnection (MR) that is closely related to the impulsive energy release phenomena in the universe. The major subjects are: 1) the formation and characterizations of the fast MR, including the properties of the electron diffusion region where the MR is expected to start; and the effects of the global boundary on the MR process; 2) the heating and acceleration of plasmas during MR.
By this project, both collaborating teams will improve the capability of investigating the plasma physics, and hopefully, we can resolve one or two interesting problems closely related to astrophysics.
Spokesperson: Jie Zhang
Principle investigators: Yadi Xu, Feng Liu, Yuan Fang, Yang, Jinlu Liu, Jie Mu
c. NSFC Outstanding Junior Investigators and Excellent Youth Scholars
Project Name: Study of enhanced nonlinear optics phenomenon and applications in ferroelectric domain wall
Project Introduction: Ferroelectric domain wall has unique features compared with bulk materials. Recently, our experiment shows that enhanced nonlinear optics occurs in the domain wall. In this project,we will research on physics behind this discovery as well as it's possible applications. (1)What is the mechanism of enhanced NLO in the domain wall? How to modulate? (2) How to realize new type laser,photonics devices and quantum light sources with high efficiency based on the above new principle.
Spokesperson: Xianfeng Chen
Project name: Nuclear Structure Theory
Project introduction: In this project we shall study a number of challenging problems of nuclear structure theory, including the regularity of collective motions and their microscopic origin, prediction of nuclear masses based on systematics of proton-neutron interactions, as well as the low-lying excitations in exotic nuclei with medium masses.
Spokesperson: Yumin Zhao
Project name: X-Ray Study of Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters
Project introduction:
The research works have been focused on the following fields. (1) physics of the interstellar medium of elliptical galaxies through the study of high resolution X-ray spectra. (2) shoulder-like structures on the radial distributions of gravitational potential well in galaxy groups and clusters, which exhibits the central galaxy-groups/cluster hierarchical structure. (3) bow-edge-shaped structure in Abell 3158, giant high-abundance arcs in HCG 62 and RGH 80, fluctuations in metal distribution in NGC 4374 and NGC 4636. (4) temperature substructures in a sample of nine galaxy clusters. (5) simulation of the low-frequency radio sky with high precision and separation of the galaxy cluster component.
Spokesperson: Haiguang Xu
Project name: Ultrafast x-ray diffraction and absorption spectroscopy
Project introduction: The ultrafast conformational changes of the oxyhemoglobin during photodissociation will be studied by time resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy with sub-picosecond temporal and sub-Angstrom spatial resolutions, in combination with ultrafast optical absorption spectroscopy and density functional theoretical calculations.
Spokesperson: Jie Chen
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