Institute of Condensed Matter Physics research system includes Laboratry of Spectroscopy and Opto-electronic Physics, Laboratry of Novel Functional Crystal Growth and Laboratry of Computational Materials Physics. Our current research activities concentrate mainly on condensed matter theory and computation condensed matter physics, soft matter physics, and condensed matter spectroscopy and opto-electronic device physics.
The Laboratory for Laser Plasmas(LLP) was founded in 2010. It is a leading institution of the IFSA joint research center of Ministry of Education.In 2011 it was awarded the innovation group fund by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( NSFC).
The Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University was established in Feb. 2009. It is an important milestone for SJTU to re-establish its strong research program in fundamental science. INPAC now has twenty faculty members working on diverse areas of fundamental research, including nuclear theory, particle theory, particle and nuclear experiment, astrophysiscs and cosmology.
Institute of Optical Science and Technology in Shanghai Jiao Tong University is the main body of Optics Discipline of School of Physics and Astronomy in SJTU, and it is also one of earliest units who are engaged in research on laser and opto-electronic technology. In October 1995, State Key Lab for “Local Fiber Communication Web and Novel Optical Communication System” was formally founded, which boosts the combination between optical subject and information engineering subject. Currently, the research areas in the centre include: high-intensity solid-state laser, advanced photonic material and device physics, high-field and plasma physics, novel photo-electronic material, and Optical information storage,
The Institute of Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, was founded in April 2000. The institute has been very active in research and academics, making creative achievements. At the present, research areas of the institute include electronic transport and superconductivity in condensed matters, non-linear physics, quantum optics and quantum information, soft-matter condensed physics, complex system, theoretical biophysics, statistical physics, transformation optics and metamaterials, low-dimensional condensed matter theory, quantum field theory and phase transition, etc.
Department of Astronomy focuses on basic scientific study of early universe, dark matter, dark energy, reionization, large-scale structure, galaxy formation and evolution, black hole and high energy astrophysics
The Wilczek Quantum Center (WQC) is a theoretical physics center named after Frank Wilczek, winner of the 2004 Physics Nobel Prize. It aims to become an international platform for scientific research, training, and exchange in fundamental quantum physics. The Center directs its main research efforts in the following areas:
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