The Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas (Ministry of Education) is the important base for laser plasmas research and education in China. The mission of the Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas is the fundamental and the applied research, and has gradually formed an integrated research system from the high power laser system to the theory, design and physical experiment of laser plasmas. As for the fundamental research, The Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas dedicates to the creation and opening of high energy density laboratory environment which could simulate from high energy to the internal nucleus, and the exploration to the science of unknown under the extreme states of matter; As for the applied research, The Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas dedicates to solving the problem which relates to the people's livelihood, providing the general design and the key technology for the research and development on the related technology and aiding in the significant technology between them. The Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas has always positively developed the research fields those are of strategical, prospective, foundational in the related subjects, and has offered mainly four academic programs which are theory and numerical simulation of the laser plasma physics, physical experiment of the laser plasma physics, high field laser technology, micro-fabrication and target fabrication.
Laboratry of condensed matter spectroscopy and opto-electronic physics of Shanghai Jiao Tong University was founded on January 8, 2001. It is engaged in the research on condensed matter spectroscopy and opto-electronic device physics. Wide wavelength coverage (100nm - 500μm), low temperature (1.6K), ultrafast process (femtosecond), high superconducting magnetic field (17 Tesla) and micro-raman/PL (<1m, 325.0 & 514.5nm lasers) are among the main features of the lab.
Shanghai Key Laboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology was established in 2011. It is based in the Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astronomy and Cosmology (INPAC) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. It is an important milestone for SJTU to re-establish its strong research program in fundamental science. INPAC now has twenty faculty members working on diverse areas of fundamental research, including nuclear theory, particle theory, particle and nuclear experiment, astrophysiscs and cosmology.
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