
CMP Seminars

[CMP Seminars] Anisotropic properties of superconducting state in pnictides

报告人: Roman Puzniak Professor Polish Academy of Sciences

[CMP Seminars] Recurrence and Networks

报告人: Yong Zou professor Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

[CMP Seminars] 胶体物理:最简单的软物质物理

报告人: 马红孺 教授 上海交通大学

[CMP Seminars] Superheating effect of REBCO thin films and its application to a seed crystal in melt-textured growth

报告人: 姚忻 教授 上海交通大学

[CMP Seminars] The Dynamics of Membranes

报告人: 胡丹 教授 上海交通大学