
CMP Seminars

[CMP Seminars] Charge and Spin Transports at Surfaces of Strong Electron-Phonon / Spin-Orbit-Coupling Material

报告人: Shuji HASEGAWA Professor University of Tokyo

[CMP Seminars] Spintronics study in III-V semiconductors

报告人: Cui Xiaodong Professor The University of Hong Kong

[CMP Seminars] Spintronics study in III-V semiconductors

报告人: Prof. Cui Xiaodong, University of Hong Kong

[CMP Seminars] Crystal growth of cuprate and iron chalcogenide superconductors by travelling floating zone and Bridgman methods

报告人: Kazimierz Conder Professor Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland

[CMP Seminars] Large oscillations of the magnetoresistance in nano-patterned high-temperature superconducting films

报告人: Yosi Yeshurun Professor Bar-Ilan University, Israel