
CMP Seminars

[CMP Seminars] Surface dynamics on TiO2 single crystal surfaces and thin films

报告人: Yingge Du (杜英歌) 教授 Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

[CMP Seminars] Introduction to Complex Plasmas: Experiments on ground and on board the International Space Station

报告人: Cheng-Ran Du (杜诚然) Professor Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics

[CMP Seminars] Where does the plasmonic enhancement come from?

报告人: Greg Sun Professor University of Massachusetts Boston

[CMP Seminars] 用扫描隧道显微镜研究分子在表面的物理和化学行为

报告人: 钟定永 教授 Physikalisches Institut, Westfälische Wilhelm-Universität Münster

[CMP Seminars] Nanofibers and nanowires for flexible solar cells and electronics

报告人: Peyman Servati Professor University of British Columbia