
OSERC Seminars

[OSERC Seminars] Modelling Optical Rogue wave through the DNLS equation

报告人: 贺劲松,教授,宁波大学

[OSERC Seminars] Light propagation and solitons in optical lattices

报告人: Dr. Yaroslav V. Kartashov

[OSERC Seminars] Droplet-based optofluidics for biosensing and nano-bio-photonics applications

报告人: Abdel I. El Abed(Associate Professor)Paris Saclay University

[OSERC Seminars] Sensing and imaging at the quantum limit

报告人: Animesh Datta (University of Warwick, UK)

[OSERC Seminars] Developments in integrated quantum photonics in the CUDOS Centre of Excellence

报告人: Michael Steel (Faculty of Science and Engineering, Macquarie University, Australia)