钟晓霞 教授
研究领域: 低温等离子体物理
办公地点: 理科楼5号楼437室
办公电话: 86-21-54745394
电子邮箱: xxzhong@sjtu.edu.cn
研究方向: 等离子体纳米技术、纳米生物材料



1995.09-1998.07  复旦大学 光学   理学博士

1992.09-1995.07  厦门大学 光学   理学硕士

1988.09-1992.07  厦门大学 物理学 理学学士 


2014.01-今       上海海交通大学物理与天文学院  教授

2002.11-2003.04  欧盟联合研究中心             访问学者

2001.05-2002.04  斯图加特大学等离子体研究所   访问学者

2000.01-2013.12  上海交通大学物理与天文学院   副教授

1998.08-1999.12  上海交通大学物理与天文学院   讲师








1. 大气压等离子体诊断和大气压等离子体非平衡特性和非线性演化研究

1.1 非平衡特性研究

1. A. Majeed, X. X. Zhong*, S. F. Xu, X. H. Wu, U. Cvelbar, and Z. M. Sheng. The influence of discharge capillary size, distance, and gas composition on the non-equilibrium state of microplasma. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 13(7): 690–697 (2016).

2. S. F. Xu, X. X. Zhong*, and A. Majeed. Neutral gas temperature maps of the pin-to-plate argon micro discharge into the ambient air. Physics of Plasmas, 22(3): 033502 (2015).

3. S. F. Xu and X. X. Zhong*. Heat transport of nitrogen in helium atmospheric pressure microplasma. Applied Physics Letters, 103(2): 024101 (2013).

4. Y. Lu, S. F. Xu, X. X. Zhong*, K. Ostrikov, U. Cvelbar, and D. Mariotti. Characterization of a dc-driven microplasma between a capillary tube and water surface. EPL, 102(1): 15002 (2013).

1.2 非线性演化研究

1. Y. F. Chen, B. W. Feng, Q. Zhang, R. Y. Wang, K. Ostrikov, and X. X. Zhong*. Temperature dependence of pattern transitions on water surface in contact with dc microplasmas. Plasma Science and Technology, 22(5): 055404 (2020).

2. S. F. Xu and X. X. Zhong*. Self-deformation in a direct current driven helium jet micro discharge. Physics of Plasmas, 23(1): 010701 (2016).

3. S. F. Xu and X. X. Zhong*. Non-linear macro evolution of a dc driven micro atmospheric glow discharge. Physics of Plasmas, 22(10): 103519 (2015).

1.3 诊断技术研究

1. B. W. Feng, R. Y. Wang, Y. P. X. Ma, and X. X. Zhong*. Evolution of electron density of pin-to-plate discharge plasma under atmospheric pressure. Wuli Xuebao/Acta Physica Sinica, 70(9): 095201 (2021).

2. B. W. Feng, X. X. Zhong*, Q. Zhang, Y. F. Chen, R. Y. Wang, and K. Ostrikov. Effect of duty cycle on pulsed discharge atmospheric pressure plasma: Discharge volume and remnant electron density. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29(8): 085017 (2020).

3. B. W. Feng, X. X. Zhong*, Q. Zhang, Y. F. Chen, Z. M. Sheng, and K. Ostrikov. Size and electron density of open-air plasmas diagnosed by optical imaging. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52(26): 265203 (2019).

2. 大气压等离子体辅助液相生长纳米材料研究

2.1 金、银、金银合金纳米颗粒合成研究

1. Y. P. X. Ma, R. Y. Wang, T. T. Yan, X. R. Qin, Q. Zhang, X. X. Zhong*. On the way of making highly stable Ag nanoparticles with a narrower size distribution by microplasma. Plasma Processes and Polymers, e2200059, https://doi.org/10.1002/ppap.202200059 (2022).

2. T. T. Yan, X. X. Zhong*, A. E. Rider, Y. Lu, S. A. Furman, and K. Ostrikov. Microplasma- chemical synthesis and tunable real-time plasmonic responses of alloyed AuxAg1-x nanoparticles. Chemical Communications, 50(24): 3144–3147 (2014) (Inside front cover).

3. X. Z. Huang, Y. S. Li, and X. X. Zhong*. Effect of experimental conditions on size control of Au nanoparticles synthesized by atmospheric microplasma electrochemistry. Nanoscale Research Letters, 9(1): 572 (2014).

4. X. Z. Huang, X. X. Zhong*, Y. Lu, Y. S. Li, A. E. Rider, S. A. Furman, and K. Ostrikov. Plasmonic Ag nanoparticles via environment-benign atmospheric microplasma electrochemistry. Nanotechnology, 24(9): 095604 (2013).

2.2 碳点合成研究

1. X. Qin, J. L. Liu, Q. Zhang, W. T. Chen*, X. X. Zhong*, and J. He*. Synthesis of yellow-fluorescent carbon nano-dots by microplasma for imaging and photocatalytic inactivation of cancer cells. Nanoscale Research Letters, 16(1): 14 (2021).

2. Q. Y. Wang, Q. Zhang*, Y. F. Chen, J. He*, K. Jiang, Z. G. Hu, and X. X. Zhong*. Blue luminescent amorphous carbon nanoparticles synthesized by microplasma processing of folic acid. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 15(1): 1700088 (2018) (Back cover).

3. X. Z. Huang, Y. S. Li, X. X. Zhong*, A. E. Rider, and K. Ostrikov. Fast microplasma synthesis of blue luminescent carbon quantum dots at ambient conditions. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 12(1): 59–65 (2015) (Back cover).

4. Y. S. Li, X. X. Zhong*, A. E. Rider, S. A. Furman, and K. Ostrikov*. Fast, energy-efficient synthesis of luminescent carbon quantum dots. Green Chemistry, 16(5): 2566–2570 (2014).

3. 碳量子点发光特性、稳定性和功能化研究

1. Q. Zhang*, R. Y. Wang, B. W. Feng, and X. X. Zhong* and K. Ostrikov. Photoluminescence mechanism of carbon dots: triggering high-color-purity red fluorescence emission through edge amino protonation. Nature Communications, 12(1): 6856 (2021).

2. Q. Zhang, S. Z. Deng, J. L. Liu, X. X. Zhong*, J. He*, X. F. Chen*, B. W. Feng, Y.  F. Chen, and K. Ostrikov. Cancer-targeting graphene quantum dots: Fluorescence quantum yields, stability, and cell selectivity. Advanced Functional Materials, 29(5): 1805860 (2019).