
CMP Seminars

Advancing Single Qubit Control in a Neutral Atom Quantum Computer

Yang Wang (王扬), University of Maryland
Wed, 2017-06-21 10:30 - 11:30
Room 616,Physics Building

As a promising candidate for quantum information processing, neutral atoms in optical lattices offer unique scalability and tunability. To convert these promises into reality, it is, as a first step, crucial to manipulate the quantum states of individual atoms with high fidelity and without affecting quantum information stored in the neighboring sites. I will talk about our experimental progress, where we demonstrate arbitrary single qubit gate in a 5*5*5 3D atom array with negligible crosstalk (1) and high fidelity (2). The addressing is based on targeted phase shifts and is highly insensitive to the addressing beam imperfections. This technique should be widely applicable to atom, ion and other atom-like system.

1. Y. Wang, X-L. Zhang, T. A. Corcovilos, A. Kumar, D. S. Weiss. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 043003 (2015).
2. Y. Wang, A. Kumar, T-Y. Wu, D.S. Weiss. Science. 352, 1562-1565, (2016).

Dr. Yang Wang got his bachelor degree from Fudan university in 2009, and  phd degree from the Pennsylvania State University in 2016. He is now is Postdoctoral fellow in Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland. His research interests include the ultracold atoms in optical lattice, quantum control and manipulation, driven-dissipative quantum systems.

Host: Xiaoqun Wang xiaoqunwang@sjtu.edu.cn