Low-dimensional or frustrated quantum magnets were revealed to exhibit exotic ground states, magnetic excitations, and quantum phase transitions (QPTs). The external magnetic field can always induce magnetic transitions. In long-range-ordered antiferromagnetic state, the magnetic field can induce the re-orientation of the magnetic structure and the spin polarization. In the spin-gapped antiferromagnets, the magnetic field can close the gap, which results in a QPT between a low-field disordered phase and a high-field long-range ordered one. An intriguing finding is that this ordered phase can be approximately described as a Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of magnons. In this talk, we show the low-temperature thermal conductivity () of several low-dimensional quantum magnets to study the magnetic heat transport associated with the field-induced transitions. In particular, we pay attention to a fundamental issue, whether the ballistic magnon heat transport (T3), which has actually never been observed in antiferromagnetic materials, can be realized.
孙学峰,男,1972年10月出生,中国科学技术大学合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室(筹)教授,博士生导师。1998年6月于中国科学技术大学获得凝聚态物理博士学位;1998年7月至2002年8月,任职中国科学技术大学讲师、副教授;2000年9月至2006年8月在日本电力中央研究所任STA研究员、特别契约研究员;2006年9月作为中科院“引进国外杰出人才”到中国科学技术大学任职,2006年12月入选中科院“百人计划”。主要从事高温超导、低维磁性和多铁性材料的物性研究,包括过渡金属化合物单晶材料的制备、高温超导材料的极低温热传导行为及基态金属-绝缘体转变,以及低维与阻挫自旋体系的量子磁性与量子相变。迄今发表学术论文90多篇,其中Phys. Rev. Lett.10篇,论文被他引680多次。