I am a theoretical/computational condensed matter physicist. I received my Ph. D in physics in 2011 in the University of Tokyo under supervision of Prof. Naoki Kawashima. Then, I became a postdoc in Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2011. After 3 years in the US, I moved back to Japan in 2014 and worked in RIKEN for my second postdoc, until I joined Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in Dec. 2018 as a tenure-track associate professor.
Very broadly, I am interested in physics of so-called emergent states of matter in condensed matter systems. Examples of emergent states include quantum spin liquids, exotic magnetic order in frustrated spin systems, multiferroic states, and topological insulators and superconductors. Especially, exploring topological nature of excitations has been an interesting research direction to uncover new physics, such as spinons in quantum spin liquids and edge/surface states in topological matters.
Highlights of my research include a theory of magnetic vortex crystals in quantum magnets, a theory of novel multiferroics, a quantum Monte Carlo study of Z2 spin liquids, a theory of strongly-correlated magnons in a frustrated magnet, and so on (see the selected publication list for details). Quantum Monte Carlo methods are one of my specialties, while I also use analytical methods such as large-N and large-S expansions. In addition, I have collaborations with both theoretical and experimental researchers in University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, the University of Tokyo, and, last but not the least, SJTU.
In SJTU, Prof. Xiaoqun Wang, Prof. Mingpu Qin, Prof. Zi Cai, and myself form a loosely-connecting research group sharing the common interest of studying strongly correlated systems by using a variety of numerical methods.
- NSFC【外青项目】11950410507, Fractionalized Spin Excitation in Frustrated Quantum Magnets Proximate to Spin Liquids (2020/01 – 2021/12), 主持.
- 科技部【国家重点研发计划】2016YFA0300500, 量子自旋阻挫体系和自旋液体中的新奇量子效应及调控研究 (2019/01 – 2021/12), 参与
- NSFC【面上项目】12074246, 量子自旋液体中拓扑拟粒子的性质:量子蒙特卡罗和新的large-N理论 (2021/01 – 2024/12), 主持
- NSFC【联合基金重点项目】U2032213, 二维三角晶格阻挫材料的量子磁性起源及强磁场调控研究 (2021/01 - 2024/12), 参与
The School of Physics and Astronomy in Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) invites applications for a 2-year (possible extension by 1 year) Postdoctoral Fellow in Prof. Kamiya’s group (https://www.physics.sjtu.edu.cn/kamiya). The annual salary will be determined based on expertise and past academic achievement of the successful candidate and is no less than 250,000 RMB (before tax reduction). The successful candidate will primarily collaborate with Prof. Kamiya on various topics of theoretical/computational condensed matter physics, such as (but not limited to) frustrated quantum spin systems, multiferroics, development of novel quantum Monte Carlo and other numerical algorithms, and so on.
To apply for this position, please send the following materials by email (see above for the contact information):
- Cover Letter
- Curriculum Vitae (with Publication List included)
- Research statement (2 pages max.)
- Contact information of 2 researchers who can send reference letters upon request