

[CMP Seminars] ARPES实验验证拓扑量子态

报告人: 钱天,中国科学院物理研究所研究员

[交大科学前沿论坛] 拓扑量子物态和超越Landau相变范式

报告人: 张广铭,教授,清华大学

[SCCE Seminars] Ultrafast Dynamic Control of Metamaterials and Emergent phases in Quantum materials

报告人: Dr. Jingdi Zhang (张璟迪), University of California, San Diego

[CMP Seminars] Theory meets spectroscopy: ensemble and single-molecule spectroscopic studies of ultrafast energy transfer processes in light harvesting systems

报告人: 陈立鹏,德国慕尼黑工业大学洪堡学者

[Colloquium] Numerical simulation of black hole accretion and outflow

报告人: Prof. Feng Yuan, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory