

[Colloquium] SOLAR SYSTEM EXPLORATION A world of scientific and instrumental challenges A unique opportunity for Sino-French collaborations

报告人: Michel Blanc, Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie (IRAP), Toulouse, France & State Key laboratory of Space Weather, NSSC, CAS, Beijing, China

[OSERC Seminars] 氮气离子超辐射的相干控制

报告人: 刘一 上海理工大学光电信息与计算机工程学院

[CMP Seminars] Excitons in Flatland: Exploring and Manipulating Many-body Effects on the Optical Excitations in Quasi-2D Materials

报告人: Diana Qiu, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

[CMP Seminars] Neutron scattering and Muon spin rotation studies of the non-centrosymmetric heavy fermion antiferromagnet CeIrGe3

报告人: D. T. Adroja ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 0QX, United Kingdom

[Colloquium] 远程空气激光

报告人: 姚金平,上海光机所