

[特别讲座] Scientific Publishing from the Inside Out

报告人: Jake Yeston Science’s Editor for Physical Sciences Research

[交大科学前沿论坛] 揭秘粒子物理

报告人: 季向东

[Joint Seminars] Quantum Sensing – A bit of quantum information

报告人: Renbao Liu, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

[Colloquium] Some personal views on quantum field theory: past, present, and future

报告人: Anthony Zee, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics and Physics Department, University of California, Santa Barbara (USA)

[CMP Seminars] Tunable Correlated and Topological Phenomena in ABC Trilayer Graphene on Boron Nitride Moiré Superlattice

报告人: Guorui Chen, UC Berkeley