
Joint Seminars

[Joint Seminars] Model Reduction in Solving Optimal Control and Sampling Problems for Diffusion Processes

报告人: Wei Zhang, Free University of Berlin

[Joint Seminars] Revisit of Monte Carlo Methods on Large-Scale Numerical Linear Algebra Problems

报告人: Yaohang Li, Old Dominion University

[Joint Seminars] Integrating nano-scale elements for the building of active optical metamaterials

报告人: Rosalia Serna, Insituto de Optica , CSIC, Madrid, Spain

[Joint Seminars] The interaction-based approach to socio-economic behavior

报告人: Anxo Sánchez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

[Joint Seminars] Cortical maps, receptive fields and the specificity of brain connections

报告人: Dario Ringach, University of California, Los Angeles