Cooperating Lecturer of Infoteck (Shanghai) Co.LTD.
Selected Publications:
1.Linearity analysis for position sensitive detectors using finite element method, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Jan, 2006
2.Development of a new signal processor for tetralateral position sensitive detector based on single-chip microcomputer, REVIEW OF CIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, Aug, 2006.
3.New Radial Tilt Detection Method Using Only One beam and One Four-quadrant Detector,Jpn.J.Appl.Phys, Vol.43(2004), No.11A
4.Analysis of Crosstalk between Radial Tilt Error and Tracking Error Signal of High Density Digital Versatile Disk,Optical Engineering, v 44, n 5, May, 2005, p 053003