Area of Physics: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Research Interests:
My research interests focus on the investigation of the environmental influence on some of small quantum systems, such as spin and quantum dot. I am interested in different aspects of strongly correlated systems and pay more attentions to the dynamic behaviors of quantum systems interacting with a medium.
Biographical Sketch:
1981-1989 East China Normal University Bachelor and Master
2002-2005 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Ph. D
Selected Publications:
1.XiaoZhong Yuan, H.S. Goan, K.D. Zhu
Geometric phase of a central spin coupled to an antiferromagnetic environment
Phys. Rev. A 81 034102 (2010).
2.XiaoZhong Yuan, H.S. Goan, C.H. Lin, K.D. Zhu, Y.W. Jiang
Nanomechanical-resonator-assisted induced transparency in a Cooper-pair-box system
New J. Phys. 10 095016 (2008).
3.XiaoZhong Yuan, H.S. Goan, K.D. Zhu
Non-Markovian reduced dynamics and entanglement evolution of two coupled spins in a quantum spin environment
Phys. Rev. B 75 045331 (2007).
4.XiaoZhong Yuan, K.D. Zhu
Berry phase of two coupled quantum dots
Phys. Rev. B 74 073309 (2006).