(3) Experimental study on silicon nitride passivation film of solar cell
(4) Study on laser peen forming of sheet meal
Biographical Sketch:
Professor and PhD supervisor in Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
The Ministry of education program for new century excellent candidates.
1992.4-2002.2, Associate Professor at Department of Apply Physics in Harbin Institute of Technology.
2002.3-2004.2, postdoctoral in the Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
2009.11-2010.2, Visiting professor at University of California, Berkeley.
2004.3-, Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Selected Publications:
1.Haibin Yu,Xiaoxu Deng, Xiaohui Zhu,Honggen Li, Xianfeng Chen, Wei Wei, and Feng Liu. “Measurement of second hyperpolarizability components of a conjugated polymer.” Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 123107 (2011)
2.Xiaohui Zhu, Xiaoxu Deng, Honggen Li, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Wei Wei, and Feng Liu. “Simultaneous evaluation of the linear and quadratic electro-optic coefficients of the nonlinear optical polymer by attenuated-total-reflection technique.” Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 103105 (2011)
3.Xiang Zheng, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Honggen Li, Wei Wei and Feng Liu, “The dispersion measurement of quadratic electrooptic effect of a linear conjugated polymer.” IEEE Journal of quantum electronics. 45, 542(2009)
4.Xiaohui Zhu, Xiaoxu Deng, Xiang Zheng, Zhuangqi Cao, Honggen Li, Qishun Shen, Wen Yuan, Wei Wei and Feng Liu, “A further exploitation of the attenuated-total-reflection technique to measure the complex second hyperpolarizability for quadratic electro-optic effect of linear conjugated polymer.” Europhysics Letters. 87, 24003 (2009)
5.Xiang Zheng, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Honggen Li, Wei Wei, and Feng Liu, "Measurement of the second hyperpolarizability of linear conjugated polymer based on attenuated-total-reflection technique," Opt. Lett.33, 887 (2008)
6.Xiaoxu Deng, Xiang Zheng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, and Honggen Li, “Fast speed electro-optic polymer variable optical attenuator based on cascaded attenuated-total-reflection technique.” Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 151124 (2007)
8.Pengyi Su, Zhuangqi Cao, Kaisheng Chen, Xiaoxu Deng, Chunxiang Liu, and Qishun Shen, "Explicit expression of light reflection from inhomogeneous planar structures," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 24, 3077 (2007)
9.Jianhong Zhou, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Wei Wei, Zhijian Zhang and Shixiang Xie, “Determination of dc Kerr coefficients of polymer films with prism-optical waveguide configuration.” Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 021106 (2006)
10. Kaisheng Chen, Xiaoxu Deng, Feng Wang, Zhuangqi Cao, and Qishun Shen, "Investigation of second-order nonlinearity in poled-polymer during photobleaching," Opt. Exp.14, 2791 (2006)