Ph.D., Semiconductor Physics and Semiconductor Device, 1995, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Professor in Physics, 1999, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Changjiang Chair Professor, 2000, Minister of Education
Distinguished Young Scientist Award, 2001, National Science Foundation of China
Changjiang Innovation Group Leader, 2005, Minister of Education
Director, 2009, Key Laboratory of Artificial Structures and Quantum Control, Ministry of Education
Chairman, 2011, Shanghai Solar Energy Society
Distinguished PV Scientist Award, 2016, International Photovoltaic Power Generation Conference & Exhibition
Selected Publications:
Thin Al2O3 passivated boron emitter of n-type bifacial c-Si solar cells with industrial process, Guilin Lu, Fei Zheng, Jianqiang Wang, and Wenzhong Shen, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research & Application 25, 280-290 (2017) Cover paper.
Fast and controllable electric-field-assisted reactive deposition of endurable annealing-free perovskite toward applicable high performance solar cells, Feng Zhou, Hong Liu, Xinwei Wang, and Wenzhong Shen, Advanced Functional Materials 27, 1606156-(1-14) (2017) Inside front cover paper.
Development of back-junction back-contact silicon solar cells based on industrial processes, Guilin Lu, Jianqiang Wang, Zhengyi Qian, and Wenzhong Shen, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research & Application 25, 441-451 (2017).
All-solution-processed random Si nanopyramids for excellent light trapping in ultrathin solar cells, Sihua Zhong, Wenjie Wang, Yufeng Zhuang, Zengguang Huang, and Wenzhong Shen, Advanced Functional Materials 26, 4768-4777 (2016).
20.0%-efficient Si nano/microstructures based solar cells with excellent broadband spectral response, Zengguang Huang, Xiaomin Song, Sihua Zhong, Haiyuan Xu, Wenxing Luo, Xudong Zhu, and Wenzhong Shen, Advanced Functional Materials 26, 1892-1898 (2016).
High-efficiency nanostructured silicon solar cells on large scale realized through suppression of recombination channels, Sihua Zhong, Zengguang Huang, Xingxing Lin, Yang Zeng, Yechi Ma, and Wenzhong Shen, Advanced Materials 27, 555-561 (2015).
An effective way to simultaneous realization of excellent optical and electrical performance in large-scale Si nano/micro-structures, Zengguang Huang, Sihua Zhong, Xia Hua, Xingxing Lin, Xiangyang Kong, Ning Dai, and Wenzhong Shen, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research & Application 23, 964-972 (2015).
One-step-MACE nano/micro structures for high-efficient large-size multicrystalline Si solar cells, Z. G. Huang, X. X. Lin, Y. Zeng, S. H. Zhong, X. M. Song, C. Liu, X. Yuan, and W. Z. Shen, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 143, 302-310 (2015).
Perovskite/c-Si tandem solar cell with inverted nanopyramids: realizing high efficiency by controllable light trapping, Dai Shi, Yang Zeng, and Wenzhong Shen, Scientific Reports 5, 16504-(1-10) (2015).
Superior broadband antireflection from buried Mie resonator arrays for high-efficiency photovoltaics, Sihua Zhong, Yang Zeng, Zengguang Huang, and Wenzhong Shen, Scientific Reports 5, 8915-(1-7) (2015).