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Jaume Gazquez, Weidong Luo, Mark P. Oxley, Micah Prange, Maria A. Torija, Manish Sharma, Christopher Leighton, Sokrates T. Pantelides, Stephen J. Pennycook, and Maria Varela, “Atomic-resolution imaging of spin-state superlattices in nanopockets within cobaltite thin films”, Nano Lett. 11, 973 (2011).
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Sang Ho Oh, Matthew F. Chisholm, Yaron Kauffmann, Wayne D. Kaplan, Weidong Luo, Manfred Ruhle, and Christina Scheu, “Oscillatory Mass Transport in Vapor-Liquid-Solid Growth of Sapphire Nanowires”, Science 330, 489 (2010).
Weidong Luo, Stephen J. Pennycook, and Sokrates T. Pantelides, “Magnetic “dead” layer at a complex oxide interface”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 247204 (2008).
Weidong Luo, Maria Varela, Jing Tao, Stephen J. Pennycook, and Sokrates T. Pantelides, “Electronic and crystal-field effects in the fine structure of electron energy-loss spectra of manganites”, Phys. Rev. B 79, 052405 (2009).
Weidong Luo, Alberto Franceschetti, Maria Varela, Jing Tao, Stephen J. Pennycook, and Sokrates T. Pantelides, “Orbital-occupancy versus charge ordering and the strength of electron correlations in electron-doped CaMnO3”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 036402 (2007).
Weidong Luo, Peihong Zhang, and Marvin L. Cohen, “Splitting of zone-center phonon in MnO and NiO”, Solid State Communications 142, 504 (2007).