Low temperature STM/AFM Graphene nanoribbons Topological insulators Superconductors
Biographical Sketch:
Shiyong Wang received his Ph.D. in Physics in 2013 from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He worked in Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology as a postdoc from 2013 to 2017. He joined Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2017 as a tenure-track associate professor. His research focuses on low-dimensional nanomaterials as studied by low temperature STM/STS, nc-AFM, and STM manipulations.He is the author of 20 papers in peer reviewed journals. He was awarded the Marie-Curie postdoc fellowship in 2015 and the distinguished young researcher (1000 Talents Plan) in 2016.
Selected Publications:
S. Wang, N. Kharche, E. C. Girão, X. Feng, K. Müllen, V. Meunier, R. Fasel and P. Ruffieux*, Quantum Dots in Graphene Nanoribbons, Nano Letters 17, 4277-4283, (2017)
P. Ruffieux#, S. Wang#, B. Yang#, C. Sánchez-Sánchez#, J. Liu#, T. Dienel, L. Talirz, P. Shinde, C. A. Pignedoli, D. Passerone, T. Dumslaff, X. Feng, K. Müllen*, and R. Fasel*, On-surface synthesis of graphene nanoribbons with zigzag edge topology. Nature 531, 489–492 (2016), #Co-first author
S. Wang#, L. Talirz#, C. A. Pignedoli, X. Feng, K. Müllen, R. Fasel, and P. Ruffieux*, Giant edge state splitting at atomically precise graphene zigzag edges. Nature Communications 7, 11507 (2016), #Co-first author
S. Wang, L. Z. Tan, W. Wang, S. G. Louie, and N. Lin*, Manipulation and Characterization of Aperiodical Graphene Structures Created in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas. Physical Review Letters 113, 196803 (2014).
S. Wang, W. Wang, L. Z. Tan, X. G. Li, Z. Shi, G. Kuang, P. N. Liu, S. G. Louie, and N. Lin*, Tuning two-dimensional band structure of Cu(111) surface-state electrons that interplay with artificial supramolecular architectures. Physical Review B 88, 245430 (2013).
S. Wang, W. Wang, and N. Lin*, Visualization and Manipulation of Individual Dopant States in Single Conjugated Oligomers. ACS Nano 6, 3404–3410 (2012).
S. Wang, W. Wang, and N. Lin*, Emergence of localized in-gap states in conjugated polymers of branched topology.Physical Review B 86, 045428 (2012).
S. Wang, W. Wang, and N. Lin*, Resolving Band-Structure Evolution and Defect-Induced States of Single Conjugated Oligomers by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Tight-Binding Calculations. Physical Review Letters 106, 206803 (2011).
S. Wang, W. Wang, Y. Hong, B. Z. Tang, and N. Lin*,Vibronic state assisted resonant transport in molecules strongly anchored at an electrode. Physical Review B 83, 115431 (2011).