1. Limited quantum systems
2. Photoelectric spectrum of low dimensional systems
3. Strong correlated systems
4. Spintronics
Biographical Sketch:
Professor, PhD and Doctoral supervisor of condensed matter physics
Qin Wang's research focuses on collective effects of condensed matter. His main interests concern the strong correlated systems, photoelectric spectrum of low dimensional systems, limited quantum systems and spintronics. His research works include dynamical behavior and coherent phase transitions in dissipative systems, optical absorption and field stimulation properties of low dimensional systems, non-markov dynamics in solid-state charge and spin quantum systems, quantum phase transitions in Peierls and spin-Peierls systems with electron-phonon interaction. He has also studied critical behavior and correlation function, electron-phonon mechanism in high temperature superconductor, model plant gene regulation, dense matter physics and pulsar. His past accomplishments include theories of quantum phase transition in Peierls systems, optical absorption in semiconductor quantum dots, coherent-incoherent transition in dissipative two state systems, optical conductivity of SSH polymers and criticality in Heisenberg magnets.
Selected Publications:
Optical absorption in semiconductor quantum dots coupling to dispersive phonons of infinite modes J. Appl. Phys. 112, 074324 (2012)
Analytical approach to dynamical behavior and phase diagrams in dissipative two-state systems. Phys. Rev. B 80, 214301 (2009)
Coupling strength, coupling-induced asymmetry and shifts in the absorption spectrum in semiconductor quantum dots. Eur. Phys. J. B 89,109 (2016)