1. Cosmology 2. The large scale structure of the universe 3. Astrophysics
Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Pengjie Zhang is a professor at the Astronomy Department of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He obtained his B.S. from Peking university in 1997 and Ph.D. from University of Toronto in 2003. He then spent 2 years at Fermilab as a postdoc. In 2005, he joined Shanghai astronomical observatory of Chinese Academy of Sciences as a faculty member. In 2012, he became a distinguished professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He works on the large scale structure of the universe and its applications on fundamental cosmology. He built theoretical models of various Sunyaev Zel'dovich (SZ) effects and used the SZ effects to probe missing baryons, cosmic flows, violations of the Copernican Principle, and eternal inflation. He invented self-calibration methods of systematic errors in cosmic shear measurement. He invented the ABS method, which enables weak lensing reconstruction through cosmic magnification, and blind separation of CMB from foregrounds. He derived the exact mapping between real and redshift space clustering, and studied the halo velocity bias. He solved the linear structure formation in f(R) cosmology, and proposed the EG method to test GR at cosmological scales.
Selected Publications:
1. Peculiar Velocity Decomposition, Redshift Space Distortion and Velocity Reconstruction in Redshift Surveys - I. The Methodology. Zhang, Pengjie; Pan, Jun; Zheng, Yi. 2013, PRD, 87, 063526. [arXiv:1207.2722] 2. Zhang, Pengjie & Stebbins, Albert. Confirmation of the Copernican Principle at Gpc Radial Scale and above from the Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Power Spectrum. 2011, Physical Review Letters, vol. 107, Issue 4, id. 041301. [arXiv:1009.3967]. 3. Zhang, Pengjie; Liguori, Michele; Bean, Rachel; Dodelson, Scott. Probing Gravity at Cosmological Scales by Measurements which Test the Relationship between Gravitational Lensing and Matter Overdensity. 2007, Physical Review Letters, vol. 99, Issue 14, id. 141302. [arXiv:0704.1932] 4. Zhang, Pengjie; Pen, Ue-Li. Mapping Dark Matter with Cosmic Magnification. 2005, Physical Review Letters, vol. 95, Issue 24, id. 241302. [astro-ph/0506740]