Address: Room 623, Building 5 of Science Laboratory Buildings
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Area of Physics: Nuclear Physics
Research Interests:
Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Heavy-Ion Collisions
Quark Gluon Plasma
Compact Stars
Biographical Sketch:
Professor Chen received his Ph.D. in Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics in 2000 from Institute of Modern Physics, the Chinese Academy of Science. He held a Research Associate position at Texas A&M University, College Station, USA (2002.02-2004.08), and a Visiting Professor position at Texas A&M University-Commerce, USA (2007.02-2007.05 and 2010.03-2010.05). Currently, he serves as the Associate-Director of the Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astronomy, and Cosmology (INPAC), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and is a Guest Professor of Center of Theoretical Nuclear Physics, National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Accelerator, Lanzhou, China.
Professor Chen's studies mainly focus on the theoretical aspects of heavy-ion collisions at intermediate and relativistic energies. As a theorist, he made important contributions on many topics in isospin physics, compact stars and ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, especially, 1) isospin effects in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies, 2) EOS of isospin asymmetric nuclear matter and the nuclear symmetry energy, 3) structure of neutron stars, 4) collective flow phenomena, exotic particle production and quark coalescence model in heavy-ion collisions at relativistic energies. Currently, his research interests mainly include theoretical studies of a) EOS of dense matter and physics of compact stars, b) isospin effects in heavy ion collisions with rare isotopes, c) signals and properties of the quark-gluon plasma in relativistic heavy ion collisions. He has authored more than 100 SCI publications, including 4 papers published in Physical Review Letters and 1 paper published in Physics Reports. The details of his SCI publications and the citations can be found in ResearcherID. His partial publications and preprints as well as the citations can also be found in INSPIRE.
Selected Publications:
1.Hao Zheng and Lie-Wen Chen
Effects of the U-boson on the inner edge of neutron star crusts
Phys. Rev. D85, (2012) 043013
2.Lie-Wen Chen
Nuclear matter symmetry energy and the symmetry energy coefficient in the mass formula
Phys. Rev. C83, (2011) 044308
3.J. Xu, Lie-Wen Chen, B. A. Li, and H. R. Ma
Nuclear Constraints on Properties of Neutron Star Crusts
Astrophys. J. 697, (2009)1549-1568
4.Bao-An Li, Lie-Wen Chen, Che Ming Ko
Recent Progress and New Challenges in Isospin Physics with Heavy-Ion Reactions
Phys. Rep. 464, (2008) 113-281
5.Lie-Wen Chenand C. M. Ko
φ and Ω production in relativistic heavy ion collisions in a dynamical quark coalescence model
Phys.Rev. C73, (2006) 044903
6.Lie-Wen Chen, C. M. Ko, Bao-An Li
Determination of the stiffness of the nuclear symmetry energy from isospin diffusion
Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005) 032701
7.Lie-Wen Chen, C. M. Ko, and Zi-Wei Lin
Partonic effects on higher-order anisotropic flows in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Phys.Rev. C69, (2004) 031901(R)
8.Lie-Wen Chen, V. Greco, C. M. Ko, S. H. Lee, and W. Liu
Pentaquark baryon production at the relativistic heavy ion collider
Phys. Lett. B601, (2004) 34-40
9.Lie-Wen Chen, V. Greco, C.M. Ko, and B. A. Li
Effect of Symmetry Energy on two-nucleon correlation functions in heavy-ion collisions induced by neutron-rich nuclei
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, (2003) 162701
10.Chen Liewen,Zhang Fengshou, Jin Genming
Analysis of Isospin Dependence of Nuclear Collective Flow in an Isospin-Dependent Quantum Molecular Dynamics Model