(3) Slow/fast light and superluminal signal processing
(4) Laser spectrometry and its application
(5) Single molecular technology and DNA sequencing
Biographical Sketch:
Prof. Li Zhan, Male. He was born in 1969. He has got BS and MS degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and PHD degree from City University of Hong Kong. Now, he is a professor on the department of Physics, SJTU.
His research interests include fiber lasers, fast/slow light, nonlinear optics, and plasmonics. He were the author or co-author of 80 journal papers, including Phys. Rev. Letts, Opt. Lett, etc.
Selected Publications:
1.L. Zhang, L. Zhan, K. Qian, J. M. Liu, Q. S. Shen, X. Hu, and S. Y. Luo, Superluminal propagation at negative group velocity in optical fibers based on Brillouin lasing oscillation,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 093903, 2011
2.K. Qian, L. Zhan, L. Zhang, Z. Q. Zhu, J. S. Peng, Z. C. Gu, X. Hu, S. Y. Luo, and Y. X. Xia, “Group velocity manipulation in active fibers using mutually modulated cross-gain modulation: from ultraslow to superluminal propagation,” Opt. Lett. 36, 2185, 2011.
3.Zhijing Wu, Li Zhan, Qishun Shen, Jinmei Liu, Xiao Hu, and Pingping Xiao, "Ultrafine optical-frequency tunable Brillouin fiber laser based on fiber strain," Opt. Lett. 36, 3837, 2011.
4.Xuesong Liu, Li Zhan, Shouyu Luo, Yuxing Wang, and Qishun Shen, “Individually switchable and widely tunable multiwavelength Erbium-doped fiber laser based on cascaded mismatching long- period fiber gratings,” J. Lightwave Technol.29, 3319, 2011.
5.Junsong Peng, Li Zhan, Zhaochang Gu, Kai Qian, Xiao Hu, Shouyu Luo, and Qishun Shen, “Direct Generation of 4.6-nJ 78.9-fs Dissipative Solitons in an All-Fiber Net-Normal- Dispersion Er-Doped Laser,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 24, 98, 2012.