Liang Li
Prof. Liang Li received B.S. in physics from Peking (Beijing) University (PKU) and entered the graduate school of University of Wisconsin-Madison at the physics department in 1999. He performed his Ph.D. dissertation research at DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg, Germany) on the ZEUS experiment of the HERA Collider and received the doctoral degree in 2005. Later he moved to the Fermilab (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL, USA) and worked on the D0 experiment of the Tevatron Collider as a post-doctoral scholar. He was promoted to be a research faculty of University of California, Riverside in 2010. He joined Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) as a Distinguished Research Fellow in 2012.
Prof. Li co-founded the Collider Physics Group at SJTU. He is currently leading the SJTU g-2 research group on the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab. He is also a deputy leader of the SJTU ATLAS group working on the top quark physics and Higgs physics topics with ATLAS experiment at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research).
Prof. Li is an expert in the top quark and jet physics as well as the trigger and data acquisition/production systems. He played a leading role in the D0 Collaboration team who discovered the existence of the single top quark in March, 2009 (one of Tevatron's Milestones). He served as a convenor of single top working group at D0 and co-led various top quark physics sub-groups such as top quark precision measurements and top quark properties groups. He also co-led both the trigger group and the trigger board at D0. His research focus has been the collider physics and recently he has also expanded research interests into non-collider physics fields, such as muon precision physics and interdisciplinary researches.
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