Area of Physics: Condensed Matter Physics, Solid State Physics
Research Interests:
(1) Quantum Transport and fluctuation in Nanosystems
(2) Electron Correlation in Nanosystems
(3) Many-Particle Theory
(4) Strongly-Correlated Electron Systems
Biographical Sketch:
Bing Dong was born in Chongqing, China, on April 8, 1969. He received the M.S. degree in theoretical physics from the Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, P.R. China, in 1994, and the Ph.D. degree in theoretical condensed matter physics from the Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy, Shanghai, P.R. China, in 1998. He was an associated professor (1998-2000) with the Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy, was a visiting research associate professor (2002-2005) with Department of Physics and Engineering Physics of Stevens Institute of Technology at New Jersey, and he has been with the Shanghai Jiaotong University since 2000, where he is currently a full professor.
His present research interests include the mesoscopic quantum transport and fluctuation phenomena and strongly correlated effects in the nanometer devices.
Selected Publications:
1、 “Full counting statistics of Kondo-type tunneling in a quantum dot: the fluctuation effect of Slave-Boson field”, Bing Dong, G. H. Ding, and X. L. Lei, Phys. Rev. B 84, 235408 (2011).
2、 “Positive current noise cross-correlations in capacitive coupling double quantum dots with ferromagnetic leads”, Bing Dong, X. L. Lei, and N. J. M. Horing, Phys. Rev. B 80, 153305 (2009)
3、 “First-order coherent resonant tunneling through an interacting coupled-quantum-dot interferometer: generic quantum rate equations and current noise”, Bing Dong, X. L. Lei, and Norman J. M. Horing, Phys. Rev. B 77, 085309 (2008).
4、 “Vibration-assisted tunneling and shot noise through a molecular quantum dot”, X. Y. Shen, Bing Dong, X. L. Lei, and N. J. M. Horing, Phys. Rev. B 76, 115308 (2007)
5、 “Controlling inelastic cotunneling through an interacting quantum dot by a circularly-polarized field”, Bing Dong and X. L. Lei, Phys. Rev. B 75, 075310(1-5) (2007).
6、 “Qubit measurement by quantum point contact: A quantum Langevin equation approach”, Bing Dong, Norman J. M. Horing, and X. L. Lei, Phys. Rev. B 74, 033303(1-4) (2006).
7、 “Inelastic cotunneling-induced decoherence and relaxation, charge, and spin currents in an interacting quantum dot under a magnetic field”, Bing Dong, N.J.M. Horing, H.L. Cui, Phys. Rev. B 72, 165326(14) (2005).
8、 “Pumped spin-current and shot noise spectra in a single quantum dot”, Bing Dong, H.L. Cui, and X.L. Lei, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94,66601(4) (2005).
9、 “Shot noise of inelastic tunneling through quantum dot systems”, Bing Dong, H.L. Cui, X.L. Lei, and Norman. J. M. Horing, Phys. Rev. B 71,45331(9) (2005).
10、 “Photon-Phonon-assisted tunneling through a single-molecular quantum dot”, Bing Dong, H.L. Cui, and X.L. Lei, Phys. Rev. B 69, 205315(9) (2004).
11、“Quantum rate equations for electron transport through an interacting system in the sequential tunneling regime”, Bing Dong, H.L. Cui, and X.L. Lei, Phys. Rev. B 69 35324(15) (2004).