Recently, an article in field of topological material entitled "Coexistence of Robust Edge States and Superconductivity in Few-Layer Stanene" has been published on Physical Review Letters (Editor's suggestion), which is a collaborated result between Jinfeng Jia's group (Shanghai Jiaotong University) and Zhenyu Zhang and Ping Cui's group (University of Science and Technology of China).
On Mar. 28th, 2022, Chemical Science, the flagship journal of Royal Society of Chemistry, published a new edge research article on the dynamics of interfacial water at distinct materials entitled as “Universal Dynamical Onset in Water at Distinct Material Interfaces” by Prof. Liang Hong’s group (Institute of Natural Sciences/School of physics and astronomy), Prof. Wei Zhuang’ group (Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences) and Prof.
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