Frontiers Science Forum 94
Title: Probing the superconducting gap of iron-based superconductors through photoelectrons – a path towards a unified paradigm of high-Tc superconductivity
Speaker: Prof. Ding Hong, Institute of Physics, CAS
Time and place: 15:00-16:00pm, Nov. 06, 2012, Room 111, Physics Building
In this talk, I will present our angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) results on iron-based superconductors, mainly focus on high-resolution measurements of their superconducting gaps. All gaps observed can be well described simple local pairing functions, which can be fully determined by local antiferromagnetic (AF) exchange interactions and Fermi surface (FS) topology. We argue the same is true for the high-Tc CuO-based superconductors, whose high critical temperatures and d-wave gap function are also the consequences of their large nearest-neighboring AF superexchange and FS topology. Thus we believe that strong local AF exchanges and collaborative FS topology is a possible unified paradigm of high-Tc superconduct
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