Welcome! Since the proximity in time and space of AQIS2012, "The 12th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference" at Soochow University, Suzhou, we thought it was a good idea to organize a satellite research workshop here in the neighbouring Shanghai, at the Institute of Natural Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). The scope of the workshop is to catalyze reseach on the related topics at SJTU and foster collaborations. We wish you a productive and pleasant time!
(Please notice that the days 24, 25, and 26 are devoted to a school open only to local students.)
Monday 27 | Tuesday 28 | |
9:30 |
Opening Morning Session Chair (Charlie Bennett) |
Morning Session Chair (Shunlong Luo) |
9:40 | Andreas Winter | Richard Jozsa |
10:30 | Break | Break |
10:40 | Shunlong Luo | Renato Renner |
11:30 | Break | Break |
11:40 | David Poulin | Guihua Zeng |
12:30 |
Lunch and free discussion Afternoon Session Chair (Richard Jozsa) |
Lunch and free discusssion Afternoon Session Chair (Fernando Brando) |
14:00 | Mingsheng Ying | Giannicola Scarpa |
14:50 | Break | Break |
15:00 | Fernando Brando | Stephanie Wehner |
15:50 | Poster session and free discussion | Wrap-up |
16:00 | Poster session and free discussion | |
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