Title: Unconventional Superconductivity - A matter of Symmetry and Topology
Speaker: Prof C. Y. Fong, Department of Physics, University of California, Davis, USA
Location: Room 111, Physics Building
Time: 15:00-16:00,Wed, Mar 4, 2015
The theoretical definition of a half metal and its special features for device applications will be presented. For half-Heusler alloys, the general formula is XYZ, where X can be a transition or alkali metal element, Y is another transition metal element, typically Mn or Cr, and Z is a group IV element or a pnicitide. The atomic arrangements within a unit-cell show three phases, namely, the alpha, beta and gamma phases. The basic bonding features and the physical origin of the magnetic moment of a half Heulser alloy will be reviewed. Recent developments on the stability and the possibility of half-metallicity at equilibrium lattice constants will be given. The spin-orbit effect on the half metallicity of a half metal will also be discussed.
C. Y. Fong , Distinguished Professor of Department of Physics, University of California, Davis, USA. His research focus on first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. The objective is to design new spintronic materials by using first principles codes. In particular, materials exhibit half metallic properties.
Honors and Awards
2007 – Present Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Computational Science
2010 – present Member, Advisory Board, International Advanced Research in Computer Science
2008 Outstanding Referee, American Physical Society
1999 Fellow and Chartered Physicist, Institute of Physics, Great Britain
1995 Fellow, American Physical Society
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