CAA-Seminar 01
Title: Black hole remnants in pre-inflation universe and CMB power spectrum
Speaker: Dr. Fabio Scardigli
Time and place: 14:00-15:00p, March 11 (Monday), 2013, 2013, Lecture Hall/ F2, 955 JianChuan Road , MinHang
We consider the production of primordial micro black holes (MBH) remnants in the early Universe. These objects induce the Universe to be in a matter-dominated era before the onset of inflation. Effects of such an epoch on the CMB power spectrum are discussed and computed both analytically and numerically. By comparison with observational data from the WMAP collaboration, we find that our model could give insights on the quadrupole anomaly of the CMB power spectrum. Ref. paper: PHYS.REV.D83,063507(2011).
Fabio Scardigli earned his PhD studying General Relativity at the Institute for Theoretical Physics-Bern (ITP) with Petr Hajicek. He was a postdoc fellow at the Center for Relativistic Astrophysics (CENTRA), Instituto Superior Tecnico in Lisbon, where he studied with Jose' Lemos. Later, Dr. Scardigli was also a fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), at Yukawa Institute, Kyoto, where he worked with Misao Sasaki. Then, he has been a Distinguished Assistant Fellow at Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (LeCosPA) National Taiwan University, Tapei, in the group Pisin Chen. He has also been visiting professor at the Academia Sinica, Taipei.
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