李铜忠 教授
研究机构: 教学研究中心
研究领域: 低维物理、电子—声子耦合系统、大统一理论、物理教学研究
办公地点: 理科楼5号楼235室
办公电话: 86-21-54747927-802
电子邮箱: tzli@sjtu.edu.cn


2001.9-2002.6 受国家留学基金委和哈佛大学共同资助,赴美国哈佛大学留学作高级访问学者( as a Visiting Fellow at Graduate School of Sciences and Arts ),从事凝聚态物理学方面的研究工作。
1996.4-1998.1 博士后 中国科学技术大学基础物理中心
1993.2-1996.3 博士 上海交通大学应用物理系


  1. Sequential Approach of Resonant Magnetotunneling in Double-Barrier HeterostructureXue-Hua Wang, Jian-Ping Peng, Tong-Zhong Li and Shi-Wei Gu
  2. J. Phys: CM6 , 10031(1994)
  3. An Analysis of Resonant Magnetotunneling in Double-Barrier HeterostructureXue-Hua Wang, Jian-Ping Peng, Tong-Zhong Li , and Shi-Wei GuCommun. Theor. Phys. 23 , 155(1994)
  4. Induced Voltage in a 2DEG Caused Inhomogeneous Magnetic FieldTong-Zhong Li , Jian-Ping Peng, Xue-Hua Wang, Shi-Wei Gu, W. S. Lind Y. Y. YeungJ. Phys. CM7 , 345(1995)
  5. Electrical Properties of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas under a GeneralOne-Dimensional Periodic Magnetic FieldTong-Zhong Li , Shi-Wei Gu, Xue-Hua Wang, Jian-Ping PengJ. Phys. CM8 , 313(1996)
  6. Magnetic Coupling Between Two-Dimensional Electron Gases and Type-IISuperconductorTong-Zhong Li郑州轻工业学院学报 , Vol. 9 , No.2, 72(1994)
  7. Gauge Symmetry Breaking and Coupling Constants Renormalization in SU(8)Grand Unificatiton TheoryTong-Zhong Li , Jian-Heng Liu郑州轻工业学院学报 , Vol. 9 , No. 4, 63(1994)
  8. N=1 Supesymmetric SU(8) Grand Unification Theory)Tong-Zhong Li , Jian-Heng Liu郑州轻工业学院学报 , Vol. 10 , No. 3, 47(1995)
  9. Thermal Properties of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gases ina One-Dimensional Modulation Magnetic FieldTong-Zhong Li , Ke-Lin Wang and Jin-Long YangJ. Phys.: CM9 , 9299(1997)
  10. New vacuum state and symmetry breaking in polariton systemsKe-Lin Wang and Jin-Long Yang, Tong-Zhong Li and Gan QinPhys. Lett. A236 , 103(1997)
  11. 电子 - 声子相互作用对介观环中持续电流的影响李铜忠 , 秦 敢 , 韩榕生中国科学技术大学学报 , 28 卷 , No.1, 62(1998)
  12. Persistent Current in a Mesoscopic Semiconductor RingWith Electron-Phonon Interaction in the Two-Band ModelTong-Zhong Li , Ke-Lin Wang, Gan Qin and Jin-Long YangJ. Phys.: CM10 , 319(1998)
  13. Stationary System of a Two-Level Atom Interacting with a Single-Mode PhononGan Qin, Ke-Lin Wang, Tong-Zhong Li , Rong-Sheng Han and Mang FengPhys. Lett. A239 , 272(1998)
  14. Solitary Wave Solution of Nonlinear EquationsJin-Long Yang, Rong-Sheng Han, Tong-Zhong Li and Ke-Lin WangPhys. Lett. A239 , 359(1998)
  15. A New Variational Method for the Coupling System of a Bound Polaronin a Quantum WellTong-Zhong Li , Ke-Lin Wang, Jin-Long Yang and Qing-Hu ChenPhys. Stat. Sol( b ) 212 , 271(1999)
  16. Second-order Perturbative Treatment for Confined Polarons in Tow-dimensionalPolar SemiconductorsChen Qinghu, Ren Yuhang, Li Tongzhong , Yu Yabin and Jiao ZhenkuanJ. Phys.: CM11 , 4189(1999)
  17. Ground state of a dissipative two-level systemHan Rongsheng, Gao Xianlong, Wan Kelin, and Li TongzhongPhys. Rev. B62 , 15579(2000)
  18. Persistent Current in a one-dimensional Mesoscopic Ring with Electron-PhononInteraction in the Lattice ModelTongzhong LiJournal of Shanghai Jiaotong University , Vol. E-6, 123(2001)
  19. New Vacuum State of the Electromagnetic Field-Matter Coupling Systemand the Physical Interpretation of Casimir EffectLi TongzhongChinese Physics Letters 21, 73(2004)
  20. Raman scattering from nanocrystalline Ag compacted under different pressuresF. X. Liu, T. Z. Li , H. F. ZhangPhys. Stat. Sol( a ) 201 , 776(2004)
  21. Structure and magnetic properties of SnFe2O4 nanoparticlesF. X. Liu, T. Z. Li , H. F. ZhangPhys. Lett. A323 , 305(2004)
  22. 同轴电缆自感系数问题的两种新解法李铜忠 ,董占海,高景物理与工程 Vol.15 , No.2 , 22(2005)
  23. 关于圆环驻波的深入讨论李铜忠 ,董占海,高景物理与工程 Vol.15 , No.3 , 18(2005)
  24. 体电流分布磁系统自感系数的新解法李铜忠 ,董占海,高景2005 年全国高等学校非物理专业物理教育学术研讨会,物理与工程(增刊)
  25. Jaynes-Cummings 模型严格解的两种简便解法李铜忠 ,董占海,高景江西科学, 2005 年 第 4 期 , 590
  26. Corrections to the Casimir Force Due to Interactions of Plasmonsand Electromagnetic FieldLi TongzhongJournal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, No. 9, 2005
  27. 李铜忠 , 主编《大学物理教程电子教案》,高等教育出版社出版(2004年),
  28. ISBN7-89493-656-1 。与 高景主编的《大学物理学教程》上、下册,主要作者之一,上海交通大学出版社( 2005年),