

Experimental identification of extrinsic and intrinsic contributions in the AHE

Xiaofeng Jin, Department f Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China (E-mail: xfjin@fudan.edu.cn)
Wed, 2013-04-10 15:00 - 16:00
Room 111, Physics Building

The anomalous Hall effect is one of the most prominent phenomena existing in magnetic materials. It has remained unsolved for more than a century because its rich phenomenology defies the standard classification methodology, prompting conflicting reports claiming the dominance of various processes. Working with epitaxial films of Fe, Ni, Co, NixCu1-x, we succeeded in independent controls of different scattering processes through temperature and layer thickness. The resulting data allows an unambiguous identification of the intrinsic mechanism as well as the extrinsic mechanisms of the anomalous Hall effect.

金晓峰,1983、1989年分获复旦大学学士和博士学位。自1987年起,曾多次在国外学术机构学习和工作。现任复旦大学物理系教授,主要从事凝聚态物理领域的研究工作。1996年获国家自然科学基金委“国家杰出青年基金”,1998年获香港求是基金会“杰出青年学者”奖, 1999年被聘为首批教育部“长江计划高等学校特聘教授”,2001年获中国物理学会颁发的“胡刚复物理奖”。