
CMP Seminars

Investigations on α-RuCl3, a material proximate to the Kitaev quantum spin liquid

Jinsheng Wen, Nanjing University
Tue, 2017-09-19 10:30 - 11:30

Kitaev quantum spin liquid (KQSL) is a novel state of matter in which the ground state is governed by the celebrated Kitaev interaction. So far, experimental realizations of the interaction have not been established directly. In this talk, I will describe our systematic investigations on high-quality single crystals of α-RuCl3, which has been suggested to be in proximity to the KQSL. We will show results of neutron scattering, susceptibility, heat capacity, NMR in magnetic fields, doping/pressure effects, and thermal conductivity.

温锦生,南京大学物理学院、国家固体微结构重点实验室教授、博导。2005年清华大学本科毕业;2010年纽约州立大学石溪分校博士毕业;2010年至2012年加州大学伯克利分校博士后;2013年被聘为南京大学教授、博导。长期从事电子强关联材料,特别是铜、铁基等高温超导材料及量子自旋液体的单晶生长及中子散射研究。已在Science、 Nature及其子刊、PRL等期刊发表论文90多篇,总引用次数近3000次,H因子28。获得过“中国优秀留学生”、“教育部新世纪优秀人才”、“江苏省特聘教授”、“江苏省双创人才”等奖项荣誉。承担多项国家、省部级研究项目。