
INPAC Seminars

Hunting for exotic massive particles with the ATLAS detector at the Large

Prof. CHEN Chun-Hui (Iowa State University, USA)
Tue, 2015-06-09 13:00 - 14:00
INPAC Meeting Room (上海交通大学粒子物理和核物理研究所,包玉刚图书馆东楼四楼(从北门进))

Many theories have been proposed to explain the long standing mysteries in physics, including dark matter, missing antimatter in the universe and dark energy. Almost all of those theoretical models predict existence of new massive particles that can be potentially produced at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. In this talk, I will discuss a new idea to search for such particles at the LHC and its experimental status with the ATLAS detector. I will also discuss the future prospect of the searches with higher luminosity and collision energy at the LHC.   

Host: Prof. Yumin Zhao