A common philosophy in control theory is the control of disorder by order. Control of open system dynamics is no exception; strategies aimed at suppressing quantum decoherence adopt this point of view. Here we predict an anomalous phenomenon in open quantum systems-control of disorder by (even more) disorder. It is shown that the most disordered white noise field, specifically a white Poissonian noise field, might be used to induce the adiabaticity and suppress the decoherence of the system. This phenomenon seems to be another anomaly in quantum mechanics and may offer a new strategy in quantum control practices.
景俊博士,2007年在上海交通大学获博士学位;先后在上海交大物理系、上海大学、美国、 西班牙多所大学从事量子物理和量子信息的理论研究,已发表SCI收录论文二十多篇,被SCI他引百多次;主持自然科学基金面上等科研项目多项;目前主要研究兴趣是,量子信息处理和调控等方面的理论研究。