

X-ray Free-Electron Laser: Marvelous Light Created by Particle Accelerator

Dao Xiang Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
Tue, 2013-11-12 13:30 - 14:30

Large scientific facilities driven by relativistic electron beams, such as synchrotron light sources, have played a key role in the development of physics, chemistry, biology, and material science. These massive machines produce intense x-rays that researchers use to probe molecules, atoms, crystals, and innovative new materials in order to better understand their structure and behavior. In this talk, I will give an overview of recent advances in the development of x-ray light sources. I will focus on x-ray free-electron lasers that are enabling forefront science in various areas by giving researchers unparalleled power and precision in examining the fundamental nature of matter. 

向导,2008年毕业于清华大学工程物理系,获博士学位;随后作为助理研究员(Research Associate)赴斯坦福大学SLAC国家加速器实验室(原斯坦福直线加速器中心)从事加速器物理和自由电子激光领域的相关研究。期间在回声激发谐波放大自由电子激光(Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation Free-Electron Laser)领域进行了开创性的研究,作为首席科学家主持了逾500万美元的相关原理验证性项目,于2010年跳过副研究员(Associate Staff Scientist)破格晋升为研究员(Staff Scientist)。目前已发表70余篇文章,其中1篇发表在Nature Physics,7篇发表在Phys. Rev. Lett. (其中5篇为第一或通讯作者)。目前作为项目负责人(Principal Investigator)主持下一代自由电子激光先进束流操控和先进运行模式的研究,2012年获得美国能源部杰出青年科学家奖(DOE Early Career Award),2013年获得自由电子激光青年科学家奖(Young Investigator Free-Electron Laser Prize)。