李家明 院士
研究领域: Atomic & Molecular Physics, Computational Physics
办公电话: 86-21-54747754
电子邮箱: lijm@sjtu.edu.cn


1945年出生于云南昆明,1968年毕业于台湾大学电机工程系,1974年获美国芝加哥大学物理系博士学位,1991年当选为中国科学 院院士(学部委员),1992年当选为第三世界科学院院士。现任上海交通大学物理系教授、博导,清华大学原子分子测控科学中心主任。

研究发展了多通道量子数亏损理论;应用量子电动力学于高能原子过程,阐明了电子轫致辐射过程(高能光子能区)和辐射复合过程的内在关系;建立相 对论性多通道量子数亏损理论,为分析高离化度、高Z原子的激发态能级结构建立了理论基础;建立了非相对论性多重散射的分子自洽场理论计算方法,并阐明分子 里德伯态的电子结构;同时建立了原子超越自洽场的多通道理论计算方法,以阐明电子关联效应。


  1. Spectroscopy and Collision Theory: The Ar Absorption Spectrum,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li), K.T.Lu;Physical Review A8 (1973) 1241
  2. Variational Calculation of R-matrix: Application to Ar Photoabsorption,U.Fano, C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li);Physical Review Letter 31 (1973) 1573
  3. Spectroscopy and Collision Theory: Atomic Eigenchannel Calculation by a Hartree-Fock-Roothaan Method,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li);Physical Review A10 (1974) 584
  4. Spin Polarization and Angular Distribution of Photoelectrons in Jacob-Wick Helicity Formalism: Application to Autoionzation Resonances,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li);Physical Review A10 (1974) 1598
  5. Multichalnnel Photodetachment Theory,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li); Physical Review A11 (1975) 1692
  6. Comment on Structure near the Cut-off Of the Continuous X-ray Spectrum of Lanthanum,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li), R.H.Pratt;Physical Review A12 (1975) 707
  7. Radiative Capture of High-energy Electrons,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li), R.H.Pratt;Physical Review A12 (1975) 1825
  8. The Electron Bremsstrahlung Spectrum 1-500 keV,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li), L.Kissel, R.H.Pratt, H.K.Tseng;Physical Review A13 (1976) 1714
  9. Radiative Electron Capture by Mo Ions,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li), R.H.Pratt;Physical Review A14 (1976) 990
  10. Multichannel Dissociative Recombination Theory,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li);Physical Review A16 (1977) 109
  11. Application of Low Energy Theorem in Electron Bremsstrahlung,R.H.Pratt, C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li);Physical Review A16 (1977) 1733