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[2]. Robin Brüser, Christoph Dlapa, Johannes M. Henn, Kai Yan, "The full angle- dependence of the four-loop cusp anomalous dimension in QED, " Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 021601 (2021), arXiv:2007.04851 [hep-th]
[3]. J. M. Henn, E. Sokatchev, K. Yan and A. Zhiboedov, "Energy-energy correlation in N= 4 super Yang-Mills theory at next-to-next-to-leading order," Phys.Rev.D 100 (2019) 3, 036010.
[4]. D. Chicherin, J. M. Henn, E. Sokatchev, and K. Yan, "From correlation functions to event shapes in QCD," JHEP 02 (2021) 053.
[5]. Lance J. Dixon, Enrico Herrmann, K. Yan, and Hua Xing Zhu, "Soft gluon emission at two loops in full color," JHEP 05 (2020) 135.
[6]. C. Dlapa, J. M. Henn, and K. Yan, "Deriving canonical differential equations for Feynman integrals from a single uniform weight integral," JHEP 05 (2020) 025.
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