王锦辉 副教授
研究机构: 教学研究中心
研究领域: 磁性材料
办公地点: 理科楼3号楼305
办公电话: 86-21-54742907-831
电子邮箱: jhuiwang@sjtu.edu.cn


王锦辉, 1969年3月生, 江苏淮安人,1991、1994及2001年毕业于南京大学物理系,分别获学士、硕士及博士学位。1994-1998年在扬州大学物理系工作。2003年底从上海交通大学物理学博士后流动站出站后留校工作。主要从事磁学、纳米材料学等方面的研究,目前在国内外核心期刊上发表了四十多篇论文,并且于2000年11月30日获得中国工程物理研究院预研基金二等奖,获奖课题:“W及WC纳米粉制备及分析检测技术”;2004年度上海市科技进步三等奖(发明),获奖课题:“组合合成、高通量筛选技术的应用与热敏铁氧体系列材料的研制”。从2001年起担任Chinese Physics Letters 特约评审。


  1. Jinhui Wang,, Wei Wang, Yang Lei, Feng QinJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, in press.Effect of cation size and disorder on the power loss of La0.7(Ba1-xSrx)0.3MnO3.
  2. Jinhui WangJournal of Alloys and Compounds 456 (2008) 139–142“Mechanical alloying of amorphous Al–SiO2 powders”
  3. Jinhui Wang,., Gongqiang Liu, Wenzhong Shen, Xiaolong Jiang, Youwei DuJournal of Alloys and Compounds 403 (2005) 86–90“Article title: Effect of microstructure on magnetization processes of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 perovskite”
  4. Jinhui Wang, Wei Wang, Ming Gu and Gongqiang Liu Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Volume 299, Issue 2 , April 2006, Pages 312-316  “Analysis of power loss in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 perovskite 
  5. Wang Jin-hui, Liu Gong-qiang, Zhu Hao, Gu Ben-xi, Gu Kun-ming, Du You-weiJournal of shanghai Jiaotong university (science) vol. E-10, No.1, 2005, 91~94“ Low-temperature magnetoresistance effect in the hydrothermally synthesized La0.98Ca0.02MnO3-/γ-Mn2O3 Granular System”
  6. Jinhui Wang, Gongqiang Liu, Xiaolong Jiang, and Youwei DuPhysica Status Solidi (a) 202, No. 6, 1155–1160 (2005)“Effects of grain size on reversible and irreversible domain wall displacements inLa0.7Sr0.3MnO3 perovskite”
  7. Jinhui Wang, Gongqiang Liu, Gang Ni and Youwei DuJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 280( 2004)316-321“Domain wall pinning in polycrystalline perovskite a0.7Sr0.3MnO3 ”
  8. Jinhui Wang, Yu Zhi , Liu Gong-qiang , Du You-wei Chinese Physics, 13(2004)90-94 “Effect of preparation procedure on the magnetic and transport properties of double perovskite Sr2FeMoO6”
  9. Jinhui Wang, Gongqiang Liu and Youwei DuMaterials Letters, 57( 2003) 3648-3652“Mechanochemical synthesis of sodium tungsten bronze nanocrystalline powders”
  10. Jinhui Wang, Gongqiang Liu, Wei Zhong and Youwei DuJournal of Applied Physics, 93(2003)471-474“Magnetic inhomogeneity and valence state in Sr2CrWO6double perovskite”
  11. Jinhui Wang, Gang Ni, Wenli Gao, Benxi Gu, Xiaobin Chen, Youwei DuPhysica Status Solidi (a), 183 (2001)421-426“Temperature Dependence of Complex Permeability and Domain Wall Relaxation in Polycrystalline Perovskite La0.7Sr0.3MnO3”
  12. Jinhui Wang , Benxi Gu, Hai, Sang, Gang Ni , Youwei Du Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 223(2001) 50-54“Grain-size dependence of complex permeability in polycrystalline perovskite La0.7Sr0.3MnO3”
  13. Jinhui Wang, Hao Zhu, Hongmei Han, Gang Ni, Youwei DuActa Physica Sinica, 50(2001)540-543“Magnetic and transport properties of double perovskite Sr2CrWO6
  14. Jinhui Wang, Huaixian Lu,Yunhong Chen, Mu Lu, Youwei DuActa Physica Sinica, 44(1995)1291-1295 “Preparation, Magnetic Properties and Thermal Analysis of 88 NiFe Alloy Ultrafine Particles”