

[特别讲座] More graphene and more than graphene

报告人: Young-Woo Son, Professor, Korea Institute for Advanced Study

[特别讲座] An International Workshop on Unconventional Superconductivity: Its Varieties and Possible Uses

报告人: 多名国际一流大学教授

[特别讲座] 上海交通大学117周年校庆系列活动:物理学前沿高校巡回报告会

报告人: 谢心澄教授,北京大学

[特别讲座] 如何在IOP期刊上发表高水平研究论文

报告人: Mingfang Lu, Editor-in-Chief, China; IOP Beijing Office and IOP Publishing, UK

[特别讲座] 美国科学院院士、物理系89届本科生叶军教授报告

报告人: Ye Jun Professor member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences