

[特别讲座] Spin and pseudospins in 2D semiconductors and heterostructures

报告人: Xiaodong Xu, University of Washington

[特别讲座] Quantifying force-dependent interactions of mechanosensing proteins

报告人: Yan Jie ( 严洁),National University of Singapore

[特别讲座] Strongly interacting spinor bosons or fermions with spin orbit couplings in lattice systems

报告人: 叶锦武, 首都师范大学和密西西比州立大学

[特别讲座] 走近超冷离子世界

报告人: 童昕,中科院武汉物理与数学研究所

[特别讲座] Quantum Critical Dynamics in Many Body Systems

报告人: Jianda Wu, Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego