

[Colloquium] Topological Insulators --Dirac Equation in Condensed Matter

报告人: Shun-Qing Shen, Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong

[Colloquium] Traveling waves and instabilities in an expanding bacterial colony

报告人: Lei-Han Tang, Beijing Computational Science Research Center,Hong Kong Baptist University

[Colloquium] 大科学装置与高能宇宙线起源的探索

报告人: 曹臻研究员 中科院高能物理研究所

[Colloquium] Quantum transport in topological insulators: weak anti-localization and electron-electron interaction

报告人: Hai-Zhou Lu (卢海舟) Department of Physics, the University of Hong Kong

[Colloquium] From Standard Model to New Physics

报告人: Guo Jun, Columbia University